Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hello Wisconsin!!

After a week in Oklahoma, I headed north to St. Louis for a night to see my grandma and some other relatives. Finally got to my parents house in Coon Valley on Friday evening. I was really worried that I was gonna be freezing when I got this far up, but the weather has been unseasonably warm, barely getting below freezing at night, and up to the 50's during the day.

Deer season opened Saturday morning. I missed it last year, it was nice to get back to. This fella wandered by at 8:15, so I decided he would taste pretty good. The antlers are just a nice bonus, right?

It's somewhat strange to be back "home". It kinda still feels like I belong here, but so much has changed that I'm like an outsider. Peoples lives have moved on (mine has too), and it's just different. I guess that's just part of life. God is taking care of us all, no matter where we are.

"There are no foreign lands. It is only the traveler who is foreign." ~Robert Louis Stevenson

1 comment:

Sammie said...

yep. strange. in both places kinda.