Monday, February 16, 2009

I was a man walking....

Just thought I'd share the lyrics of on of my new favorite songs. It's by Carl Wirkkala.

I was a man walking, walking on a dusty road, where I was going, I didn't know. I was their leader, a reluctant one I confess, trudging through the wilderness.I was afraid, but I trusted in the Father's plan, to get them to the Promised land. When it seemed there was no way, tha's when I heard Him say. Raise your arms and there shall be a path, the sea shall part and you will pass.

I was a man walking, walking on a dusty road, when a bright light shown. I fell to the ground for it was a blinding light, I had no sight. My eyes where opened, now I could see. This was the way for me. How He took that old man I may never know, but I was a new man, out on that dusty road.

I was a man walking, walking on a dusty road, when they told me that He was gone. Mary said, the stone had been rolled away and the angels said He'd rose again. My eyes were open, and I could see, He was the one for me. How He took that old man I may never know, but I was a new man, out on that dusty road.

Walking on air, out on that dusty road.

It's probably better when you can actually hear the song, but I just think it tells some good examples of faith.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We all need to walk down a dusty road so we may meet the Father who can take away that old man.